Krieg um die Ukraine
Liebe Friedensinteressierte,
die Wochenzeitung "Die Zeit" dokumentiert seit dem 5.12.2014 den
Aufruf von 60 Persönlichkeiten des öffentlichen Lebens, mit dem
diese für eine neue Entspannungspolitik in Europa plädieren.
â–º Ukraine-Krise"Wieder Krieg in Europa? Nicht in unserem Namen!" |
Dick Gaughan Do you think that the Russians want war? Think again! |
Do you think that the Russians want war? These are the parents of children who died in the last one. Do you think that it's possible, knowing their past. That they'd ever consider repeating the last. When 20 million were slaughtered by Nazi invasion? They died fighting on our side, you know, In a fight to defend humankind Against Nazi terror and hatred. In the name of humanity, bitterly torn. In the name of our children as yet to be born. Before we do that which can never be undone I beg of you. Think, think again, and again and again and again and again. Do you think that the Russians want war? They're the sons and the daughters of parents who died in the last one. Do you think that they'd want to go through that again, The destruction, the bloodshed, the suffering and pain? In the second world war out of every three dead one was Russian. If we try with all of our power Can we not find a way To peacefully settle our difference? |
Dieses Lied des schottischen Liedermachers Dick Gaughan war - na klar - in und für eine andere Zeit und Situation geschrieben. Und ist doch auch heute aktuell: Meinst du die Russen wollen Krieg?
In the name of humanity, bitterly torn. Do you think that the Russians want war? |